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Amy and Guppy

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just Venting

I think finding a good daycare for Guppy has been one of the biggest blessings. I even bought a house close to his babysitter, so I wouldn't have to look for a different one. I think when you find a good babysitter, you should do everything in your power to keep them happy. Kind of like a girlfriend :)

Well, when I was dropping Guppy off the other day, something most annoying happened. The babysitter has the kids at her house. You have to walk in her front door and down the hall to drop the kiddos off or pick them up. So, this lady was in front of me. She stopped right in the middle of the hall when I was dropping Guppy off. Couple of issues I have with this are 1. It's cold outside, and my rear was hanging out the door. 2. I was holding Guppy. He is like holding a squirming sack of potatoes. 3. She was being an idiot.

Let me see if I can describe this idiotic behavior adequately. She has one small blond kid, probably 4 years old with her. She's stopped in the middle of the hall, leaning over, telling this kid "Honey, you can't be sad that mommy is leaving. Mommy has to leave. Mommy has to work. Mommy is sad she's leaving. But, mommy will be back. Mommy says don't cry. Mommy won't leave you. Mommy loves you. Mommy kiss you now." This goes on at least 3 minutes, which is FOREVER when you are holding a small infant who is squirming.

And the kicker? This kid was TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!!! He just wanted to go play. He wasn't sad. He wasn't crying. Until she stirred him into a frenzy with her third person nutso rant.

I was so impatient. This was the stupidest example of parenting that I have seen lately. Making your child upset, because you are too insecure in your Mommy-ness to let the kid go play at daycare. Reminding the kid that you're leaving, and he better be sad, darnit, because YOU'RE actually the only one in the room who is important. How selfish of this woman.

I thought about nudging her, to knock her down in the hall. She was very unstable (both physically and apparently mentally.) But, I wouldn't do that. But I could think it (like an odd dream-sequence). OK, that sounds incredibly mean of me. And would definitely not be an example I would want to set for my child.

Note to self - do not induce mental illness in your children where there need not be. Let Guppy go play and have fun without me. He loves daycare, and he will probably love school. He will be fine. Kissing your child goodbye is one thing. Inciting a crying riot is ridiculous.

I hope and pray I'm never one of "those moms."

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